Which products do we offer in R?

The datazoom.amazonia package, which is only available in R, provides a great variety of microdata (from multiple institutions) about the Brazilian Amazon with the goal of easing the access to these informations. Through our package, the user has access to data from INPE, IBGE, COMEX, IPS, SEEG, IBAMA, SIGMINE, MAPBIOMAS, Climatology Lab and CIPÓ.

The package contains data about deforestation, international trade, GDP from each city, enterprises with registered CNPJ, agricultural production, livestock inventory, life quality, greenhouse gases' emission, environmental fines, mines being legally explored, type of land covering, institutions who fight environmental crimes, and climate variables.

For more details about our package, visit our page on GitHub.

In case of having trouble while using the package, the user can pose questions and see the answers from previous questions in the Issues section in our GitHub.

Package Installation:

The user can install the datazoom.amazonia version avaiable on CRAN by writing this in the console:


Another option is to install from our GitHub. To do so, the user needs to have the devtools package installed. Then the user only needs to write this in the console:
