Puc-Rio | Portal de Microdados Brasileiro

How to Use

Data Zoom provides STATA codes for reading and organizing microdata from IBGE's household surveys.

To install the Data Zoom package, type "net from http://www.econ.puc-rio.br/datazoom/english" in STATA's command line, click on the name of the household survey of interest and follow the instructions. We highly recommend the use of the packages through the dialog boxes. All packages carry help files with explanations regarding auxiliary files and examples.

The packages contain dictionaries to process the original data and generate the STATA format files (.dta). Besides assisting in data reading, the programs also perform useful operations, such as standardizing data throughout years, deflating monetary values and generating panel data.

In "Household Surveys", in the above menu, there is specific information regarding each of the surveys. In "Tutorial", there are videos on how to make use of Data Zoom. The programs were developed for STATA's version 12 for Windows. Mac users might notice small differences in the visual aspect of the graphical interface, but the program should work well.