Undergraduate Program

The undergraduate course in Economics aims to provide students with a solid professional background within a diverse academic framework. The undergraduate course enables students to enter the labor market immediately after graduation, and also offers them access to graduate programs at the best universities in Brazil and abroad.
The course has both a theoretical and practical approach and is geared towards understanding the main issues concerning economic policy. Students of Economics have access to modules of all fields of knowledge, in order to enrich their learning experience. PUC-Rio also offers exchange programs in collaboration with domestic and international universities.
Quality of the undergraduate program
PUC-Rio undergraduate course in Economics has existed for over forty years. Our faculty members and alumni have had a great influence in the shaping of Brazilian economic policy, particularly throughout recent decades. Having professors with recent experience in policy formulation enables our students to have direct contact with the latest developments in Economics and performs a fundamental role in presenting the relevance of practical aspects of theories learnt in the classroom. Thus, thiscourse offers students a solid theoretical and practical background, granting them immediate entrance into the labor market. This combination is what makes the undergraduate course at PUC-Rio unique within Brazil.
Due to the fact that all of PUC’s Departments are concentrated on the same campus, our students education is in the hands of experts: all Mathematics-related modules are taught by professors of the Department of Mathematics; all History-related modules are taught by professors of the History Department, and so on. Students can take optional classes (electives) at any Department within the University, providing them with a diverse background shaped according to their interests.
The Department of Economics’ undergraduate course is the
only one in Rio to be accredited by the CFA Institute.
This means our students are exposed to a large part of the
content demanded by the institute certification examinations.
The curriculum for the undergraduate course in Economics underwent significant changes in 2010. Students are now offered key Economics modules in their first semester. These changes also made the curriculum grid more flexible, making it possible for students to specialize in many subfields, such as Finance; Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics and Banking; Business Strategy, Industrial Organization and Regulation; and Public Policy Assessment.
The Undergraduate Program is a credit-based course. Students must accomplish 210 credits in order to graduate. Each module lasts for a semester and accounts for 4 credits. It is expected that students graduate in four years, or in seven years at most. See the recommended timeframe.
Opportunities for graduates in Economics in the labor market are very diverse. There are many possibilities of employment in the private sector, government and research centers.
Graduates have two options as they leave the course: go on to holding high level positions in the labor market (made possible due to a solid professional educational background), or choose to follow graduate programs at the top universities in Brazil and abroad.
In addition to scholarships offered by the University, the Department of Economics maintains partnerships with institutions that award different types of scholarships and financial assistance, with the aim of attracting and retaining the best students. The purpose of these partnerships is to awaken undergraduate students scientific calling and foster their commitment to research projects under guidance by professors from the University.
Scholarships awarded by the Department of Economics:
BOCOM BBM Program and Bahia Asset Program
Awarded to selected students with the aim of incentivizing full time study.
PUC Scholarship
Nowadays, PUC offers the following types of education scholarships and/or support programs for undergraduate students:
Academic Scholarship
Vice-Chancellor’s Office
» “Vestibular Performance” Scholarship
» ”Award” Scholarship
Academic Scholarship in partnership with government bodies
Vice-Chancellor’s Office
» PEC-G (Program of Undergraduate Students Exchange) Scholarship
» PET (Tutorial Education Program) Scholarship
» PIBIC (Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation) Scholarship
Social Scholarship
Vice-Chancellor’s Office
» Social actions Scholarship
» PUC Scholarship
» PUC Funding: Scholarship for Private University professors in Rio de Janeiro
Social Scholarship and governmental organization funding
Vice-Chancellor’s Office
For more information on the types of scholarships offered click here.
- Coordinator
Profa. Nathalie Gimenes
ngimenes@econ.puc-rio.br - Assistant Coordinator
Maria de Nazareth Maciel
nazareth.maciel@econ.puc-rio.br - Assistant
Priscilla Cruz
tel: 3527-1078 / r.201
Students may be admitted to PUC-Rio Economics undergraduate course via the following:
PUC-Rio Entrance Examination (Vestibular)
High School National Exam – ENEM
External transfer and registration for candidates with diploma