Artigos em periódicos

Navegue nas categorias para acessar o conteúdo de publicações acadêmicas, científicas e de opinião dos professores e alunos do Departamento de Economia da PUC-Rio.

Building neural networks

Journal of Forecasting, v. 25, TD n. 1, 2006

Timo Terasvirta, G. Rech, Marcelo Medeiros.

The welfare cost of violence across countries.

Journal of Health Economics, v. 25, TD n. 5, 2006

Rodrigo Reis Soares.

The effect of longevity on schooling and fertility: evidence from the Brazilian demographic and health survey

Journal of Population Economics, v. 19, 2006

p. 71-97,

Rodrigo Reis Soares.

Fixed points as Nash equilibria

Fixed Point Theory and Application, 2006

Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez.

Mortality Reductions, Educational Attainment, and Fertility Choice

American Economic Review, v. 95, TD n. 3, 2005

p. 58-601,

Rodrigo Reis Soares.

The Quantity and Quality of Life and the Evolution of World Inequality

American Economic Review, v. 95, TD n. 1, 2005

p. 277-291,

Gary S. Becker , Tomas J. Philipson, Rodrigo Reis Soares.

Accountability and Corruption: Political Institutions Matter

Economics and Politics, v. 17, TD n. 1, 2005

p. 1-35,

Daniel Lederman , Norman V. Loayza, Rodrigo Reis Soares.

"Bureaucracy as a mechanism to generate information."

Rand Journal of Economics, v. 35, TD n. 2, 2004

p. 245-259,

Luigi Zingales, Walter Novaes.

Development, Crime, and Punishment: Accounting for the International Differences in Crime Rates

Journal of Development Economics, v. 73, TD n. 1, 2004

p. 155-185,

Rodrigo Reis Soares.

Capital structure choice when managers are in control: Entrenchment versus efficiency.

Journal of Business, v. 76, 2003

p. 49-81,

Walter Novaes.

Labor Turnover and Labor Legislation in Brazil

Economía: Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, v. 4, TD n. 1, 2003

p. 165-222,

Gustavo Gonzaga.

"Managerial turnover and leverage under a takeover threat"

Journal of Finance, v. 57, TD n. 6, 2002

p. 2619-2650,

Walter Novaes.

"Visibility versus complexity in business groups: evidence from Japanese Keiretsu"

Journal of Business, v. 74, 2001

p. 79-100,

Kathrin Dewenter, Dick Petway, Walter Novaes.

"Inflationary bias and state owned financial institutions"

Journal of Development Economics, v. 47, 1995

p. 135-154,

Walter Novaes, Sergio Werlang.

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